
The Official Blog of Acuity Knowledge Partners

IAIP Event: Financial Economics and Capital Markets

Published on May 17, 2013 by Paul Alapat

I was invited to present an overview of financial economics, global economic outlook and job prospects in capital markets to the members of the local chapter of the CFA Institute. I was struck by the number of charter holders and candidates sitting for the CFA from Bangalore. Nine years ago, when we opened our offices in Bangalore, a locally qualified CFA was a rarity. It was also heartening to note the interest in capital markets, and the willingness on the part of several of those interested to set up their own money management and/or advisory businesses.

Several attendees that evening were currently studying or working in London, Hong Kong, and other parts of the world and were looking at opportunities to come back to India. A reverse brain trickle, finally, facilitated by an internationally recognized certification! Lastly, I am happy to report that we are an active contributor to the growing CFA fraternity in Bangalore, with several charter holders and many more aspirants currently on our rolls.

You can read more about the event on the IAIP blog at http://iaip.wordpress.com/2013/03/30/financial-economics-and-capital-markets/

Source: IAIP (Indian Association of Investment Professionals)

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About the Author

Paul manages the Quantitative Services division at Acuity Knowledge Partners. He has over 22 years of capital markets’ experience in both research and trading. Previously, Paul was Chief Economist Asia (ex-Japan) at Nomura, Regional Financial Economist at Lehman Brothers, and a visiting Professor of Finance at IIM, Bangalore.

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