
Conjoining Six Spokes of ‘Orphan Wheel’

‘Rare’ is turning into the new common as these rare, life-threatening diseases are affecting larger populations – 6.5 to 10 cases in every 10,000 people, as defined by the WHO.
The last 10 years witnessed researchers raring to spin the ‘Rare Wheel’, dealing with successes and failures alike.
It is critical to understand and identify what it takes to spin this wheel in a positive direction, how much to prepare before the wheels of development are set in motion, how to correct the course after turning, and when to accelerate. These small, yet measured, decisions could make a huge difference in transforming the rare story.

Key Takeaways

• What has been done so far?
• Which are the 6 spokes of the orphan drug development wheel?
• What are the key considerations for keeping the ‘Rare Wheel’ turning?

Sameera Singh

Sameera Singh

Delivery Lead, Corporates & Consulting

Sameera Singh is life sciences practice lead within the corporates and consulting vertical at Acuity Knowledge Partners. She has over seven years of work experience in life-sciences consulting, business research, and marketing. She has hands-on experience in strategic projects, such as therapeutic area assessment, competitive intelligence, disease insights, and brand management. Sameera is an MBA (Pharmaceutical Management) gold medalist and holds a bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Conjoining Six Spokes of ‘Orphan Wheel’

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