Event Summary
In an environment characterized by volatile markets, increasing pressure on fees, and a shift towards passive strategies, asset managers are staying competitive by leveraging technology-enabled quant investing solutions, conducting proprietary research, evaluating alternative asset classes, and implementing efficient performance and risk analytics systems. The role of digital marketing is also gaining significance, as asset managers have been strategizing, improvising, and adapting to trends such as big data revolution, regulatory changes, and the rise of online financial platforms.
The two discussions on the asset management industry focused on the significance of being responsive in the midst of challenging markets and demanding clientele.
In the first session, Amit Sinha, a multi-asset portfolio manager, discussed effective portfolio management and challenges being faced by asset managers given ever-changing capital markets.
In the second session, Joe Lizee, a leading digital marketing strategist, discussed the transformation of digital marketing into a pivotal function within asset management.

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