Entry into instant noodles market

  • Forecast industry development trends for the next 5 years

  • Freed up 120 hours of the client’s time

  • The client had helped a Japanese instant noodles company develop a brand strategy to expand its market share in China
  • The client required support on Mandarin-language research on China’s instant noodles market
  • Since the client is quite successful in Japan, the client wanted to conduct a comparative analysis of the Chinese and Japanese markets
  • Identified highly skilled analysts with Mandarin- and Japanese-language skills to research the Chinese and Japanese markets, respectively:
      • Market size and structure, market development history, market trends, consumer behaviour, performance of key brands, key success factors, etc.
  • Compared and analysed this Japanese brand with domestic leading brands on the following factors:
      • Market share, key products, channel distribution, market positioning and target customer group.
  • Through extensive case studies, selected several cases of international instant noodle brands entering China
  • Identified three strategic priorities through market and case studies: e-commerce, product innovation and marketing


  • Collected, organised and analysed industry policies and market data for the past 10 years and forecast industry development trends for the next 5 years
  • Searched information on 1,000+ SKUs of 30+ brands to help the client identify and meet consumer needs
  • Created 13 case studies of international players entering China to help client develop strategies
  • Freed up 120 hours of the client’s time
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What we have done

Market entry with an ESG-related objective
What we are proud of

Identified eight key sectors with 25 sub-categories in China’s industry market value chain

Collected and analysed policies and forecast a five-year trend

Entry into China’s metal commodities/battery sector
What we are proud of

created c.5,000 data points in the next-gen battery sector

boosted data collection and calibration