ESG & Climate Change Research

  • Evaluating portfolio ESG performance against benchmarks

  • Enabling comparisons across companies: Introduced an ESG scoring methodology

  • Customized analysis using client provided ESG data subscriptions

Client Challenges
  • A UK-based global asset manager was short on resources to integrate ESG scores and analytics in its investment process
  • Key requirements included conducting research to evaluate ESG performance of companies and comparing against industry performance, developing databases and providing analysis to appraise portfolios’ ESG performance
Our Approach
  • ESG checklists
  • ESG notes with scoring
  • Portfolio ESG performance screening
  • Carbon emissions and UNSDGs performance analysis
  • Governance performance analysis

Impact Delivered

  • Cost-effective management of all the data-related work and short company reports
  • Portfolio managers are able to focus on value-added activities
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