ESG Research

  • Initiated the pilot with a detailed ESG report, including ESG scores

  • Client shared own IP (ESG checklist) and priority stock list

  • Kicked off ESG engagement

Client Challenges
  • Client is a UK- and Australia based global asset manager with extensive focus on responsible investing
  • Key requirements included conducting in-depth research to gather ESG-specific data from public sources
  • Conducting accurate, reliable and high-quality ESG research is time consuming and requires discerning expertise
Our Approach
  • ESG checklists
  • ESG notes with scoring
  • Compiling publicly available ESG data
  • Writing detailed ESG notes for companies

Impact Delivered

  • The Acuity analyst caries out the primary ESG research for the 32 primary stocks of the fund
  • Portfolio manager focuses on the other high-end tasks
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