Financial modelling support to a global hedge fund

  • 3,000+ models created in two years

  • USD2m+ in annualised cost savings

  • Flexible engagement model

  • Ramp-up provided to new PMs joining the firm


  • The client is a large global hedge fund with investment teams across Europe, the US and Asia. The client wanted to set up a flexible and scalable research support team to do the following:
  • Quickly set up company models for new PMs joining the firm
  • Reduce the cost of associates
  • Free up bandwidth so onshore teams could focus on value-add areas
  • Maintain high staff flexibility to meet requirements


  • Conducted initial discussions with each PM team to under specific requirements, model templates, coverage and the corresponding skill levels required
    • Set up one-on-one and pooled-structure teams to meet PMs’ requirements
    • One-on-one analysts work directly with PM teams to prepare company models and update them as required
    • Pooled-structure teams support PMs with creating models with a defined template for all companies
  • Deployed analysts with sector-specific knowledge to facilitate one-on-one dedicated research


  • Supported new PMs to quickly ramp up coverage models and set up new modelling-based research products
  • Expanded coverage to new sectors and geographies
  • Enabled the client to perform high-value-add activities such as idea generation, company meetings, detailed research and decision making
  • The success of the initiative was driven by Financial Modelling services that allowed for scalable and efficient model setups across the firm.
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