High-Frequency Trading Platform Development and Tech Support

  • 50%

    of cost saving

  • 50%

    reduced time to set up

  • 20k

    hours of annual time saving


  • The client wanted Acuity’s support in empowering its platform engineering team by deploying a pod of technologists, data scientists, domain analysts and devops engineers to build and enhance their globally deployed pre-trading platform.


  • Deployed a team of 9 technologist and 2 Domain analyst to empower the client’s technology mandate to build and enhance the mission critical fixed income pre-trading platform
  • Domain expertise to maintain trading algorithms, distribution channels and trade insights
  • Platform delivered on technologies such as Spring Boot, Kafka, MongoDB and scaled using Docker/Kubernetes and deployed on Azure Cloud.


  • Domain driven technology enabler for a high-frequency pre-trading platform
  • AI/ML driven trade insights to foster trade decision making
  • Standardization and integration with multiple trade channels (inbound and outbound)
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