Integrated IB Analytics and Presentations Support for US-based Healthcare focused Investment Bank

  • 4+ years

    of partnership

  • 5,000+

    projects delivered

  • 37,000+

    hours of projects

  • $2m+

    in annual cost savings

  • The client is a mid-market investment bank focused primarily on Healthcare sector
  • Initiated the relationship in March 2019 with IB support; has now expanded into a cross divisional relationship across IB and Research
  • The primary objective was to set up a team which could support the onshore junior banking team in preparation of deal materials and research
  • Key challenges faced by the client:
    • Onshore analysts were tied up in repetitive high-volume tasks, with limited bandwidth for more client-facing role and value-add tasks
    • Regular attrition and high cost associated with junior in-house analysts, hence no quick access to a talent pool
    • Specialized Presentation & Graphics support needed to generate new ideas for building its marketing materials as well as visually appealing presentations
    • Lack of expertise to format and standardize the presentations and documents consistent with the bank and its client standards
  • Set up an offshore team constituting experienced personnel in Healthcare Investment Banking and dedicated presentation/design specialists to match the client's requirements
  • Managed the team roster accordingly to provide extended hours coverage to the client with timing overlap between Acuity and client teams
  • Created and discussed with the client standard methodologies and SOPs to ensure adherence to consistency and quality of deliverables
  • Starting off with standard products, the team gradually started supporting bankers on more bespoke and custom research and analysis tasks
  • Incorporated multiple quality checks as a part of standard practice to ensure the highest level of quality
  • Regular reviews and governance calls with the client to identify and undertake any course corrections if needed


  • Integrated model and enhanced reliance: Acuity team now works as an extended arm of the client team with frequent communications between onshore and offshore teams, and less than one day turnaround on majority of requests
  • Strategic partnership: The Acuity support has gradually transformed into a strategic partnership as the client has integrated the Acuity team with its onshore team
  • Senior banker support: Directly worked with the senior bankers on several projects relieving the junior bankers
  • End-to-end support on regular and high-volume products: Virtual ownership of regular high-volume products for deal activities
  • Database maintenance: Taking ownership of regular work so that onshore bankers can focus on pitch work
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What we have done

IB Support for US-based Healthcare focused Boutique Advisory Firm
What we are proud of

4+ years

of partnership


projects delivered