Loan syndication support for a global investment bank

  • Saved over USD1m and over 42,000 hours of work

  • Provided support for over USD15bn worth of syndicated loans

  • Delivered faster turnaround

  • Provided real-time support

  • Among the top 10 global commercial banks with a diversified business portfolio
  • Strong footprint in emerging markets
  • Key challenges faced:
    • Onshore bankers had limited bandwidth, restricting focus on deal making and the distribution process in the Syndications value chain
    • Longer turnaround time for deal closure
    • Difficulty in retaining onshore talent
    • Cost pressure
  • Acuity Knowledge Partners deployed a specialised offshore team to support onshore bankers in key geographies, i.e., APAC, EMEA, SSA and the Americas
  • The support team’s key focus was on delivering high-quality and insightful analysis, enabling faster deal execution and improvement of client coverage
  • The team developed an understanding of the client’s requirements through continuous engagement and training conducted for the team
  • Built customised analysis for deal execution, primarily on information memorandums (IMs), financial models and market updates
  • Targeted faster turnaround for time-sensitive projects (within a day), delivering high-quality output on deal origination


  • Our team’s specialised analysis enabled the onshore Syndications team to focus on their role as ‘deal makers’
  • Provided regular updates and insights on key market segments, enabling the client to define new market opportunities and track competition
  • Efficiency improvement was channelled to deliver higher volumes, ad hoc projects and high-complexity analysis
  • Provided real-time support on live transactions, enabling the client to execute more transactions in a year
  • Extended multilingual support across emerging markets in the APAC region
  • Better management of onshore resources
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