Multi-functional Compliance Support for US-based Global Asset Manager

  • 100%

    review of tracking securities trading

  • 30%

    reduction in client workload

  • 35%

    reduction in compliance cost

  • Bandwidth constraints prevented the client from focusing on various critical compliance tasks, and they were missing compliance milestones related to key industry regulations
  • Lack of comprehensive policies, procedures, and other compliance-related documents impeded an effective compliance programme
  • We noted a lack of compliance domain expertise to perform multiple tasks
  • Acuity Knowledge Partners' solution was split into two phases:
  • Phase 1 : White boarding and documentation
    • Focused on identifying crucial tasks for streamlining from the client’s perspective
    • Conducted comprehensive review of existing policies and procedures to identify gaps for the identified tasks
    • Came up with suggestions that benchmarked the policies and procedures against industry best practices and legal/regulatory requirements
  • Phase 2 : Migration and delivery
  • Offshored 10+ critical tasks in a phased manner to ensure process continuity
  • Deployed a train-the-trainer model
  • Tasks migrated to Acuity’s offshore utility include:
    • Guideline coding and monitoring
    • Post-trade review
    • E-communication monitoring
    • Code of ethics/tracking securities trading
    • Due diligence
    • Regulatory Filings
    • MNPI Monitoring
  • Migrated many processes over the years due to continual delivery of superior services


  • Reduced the client’s workload by 30%
  • Streamlined processes allowed for:
    • 100% review of tracking securities trading
    • 3x review of e-communication
  • Formulated robust procedure for validating fund investment guidelines, which eliminated redundant steps in the process
  • Suggested industry level best practices to reengineer compliance workflows
  • Helped reduce compliance department costs by 35% (as a result of our offshore presence)
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