Portfolio monitoring and valuation support to a Europe-based VC firm

  • >4,000

    hours of effort delivered

  • 30%

    of investment team’s time saved

  • USD0.3m

    annualised cost savings

  • >150

    portfolio companies tracked

Why they chose us

  • A multi-stage Europe-based venture capital firm required support on monitoring its ever-increasing portfolio of investments and setting up bespoke valuation templates for quarterly valuation reporting
  • Was looking for a partner to help migrate from the existing portfolio data collection process that was resulting in ineffective monitoring and limited insight
  • The biggest challenge was to solve the time-consuming and laborious task of integrating data from multiple sources and investment managers
  • Wanted to reduce the high turnaround time due to the large portfolio and limited bandwidth in the fund operations team

How we solved the problem

  • Helped client transition from the legacy system and created a more simplified and centralised seamless portfolio-monitoring process – from data collection to validation to regular tracking. Helped standardise and streamline the process for future updates
  • Created well-structured customised templates to track and monitor portfolio companies on a quarterly basis and built a live portfolio KPI tracker for easy review
  • Helped generate insights on portfolio data and flagged trends or discrepancies in a timely manner so investment managers could take action
  • Built valuation models from scratch for 100+ portfolio companies and provided regular support for quarterly valuation updates

What we did differently

  • Took over ownership of the entire portfolio-monitoring process, reducing the burden on investment managers and the fund operations team
  • Operated as an extended arm of the client’s onshore fund operations team by creating a unified view of the integrated data, making it easier for the client to make informed decisions
  • Ensured 100% data accuracy: data authenticity enabled client to generate ready-to-use reports faster
  • Achieved process excellence by delivering efficiency improvements and minimal variations, reducing turnaround time by 30-40%
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