Rating advisory for China-based, Greater-China-focused commercial bank

  • Fast turnaround of Rating Advisory (RA) solutions

  • Developed and executed a highly efficient process meeting client deadline

  • Delivered the project having a successful management meeting with the rating agency

  • Lack of experienced RA staff in-house for the bank
    • Difficulty in hiring talent
    • High cost of function given one-time requirement
  • Lack of a defined process and expertise in rating decisions
  • Limited time to prepare a rating presentation due to stringent deadline
  • Limited capability to build a detailed financial model
  • Quickly set up a team, that was able to meet client deadline
  • The team was well structured, comprised of specialists and led by an experienced senior to provide guidance and oversight
  • Maintained high levels of client engagement
  • Provided entire spectrum of services, which covered all requirements of the RA project:
    • Managing rating expectations
    • Financial modelling and forecasting
    • Compiling rating presentations
    • Preparing for management meetings and presentation


  • Provided critical views on potential rating outcome based on standardized rating methodology and peer comparison
  • Compiled a financial forecasting and rating presentation within client deadline and prepared rehearsal material for the management team
  • Management meeting was a success
  • Provided material in Chinese and English, with required expertise covering local policy environment
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