Research support to Fortune 20 companies for key industry developments and trends

  • Supported in targeted sectors like MedTech

  • Opportunity identification and assessment in targeted sectors to maintain the client’s competitive edge

  • The client’s corporate strategy and innovation team based in the US required a 6-members team to support strategic market research related to Autonomous connected mobility, connected wearables and connected MedTech
  • Key requirements:
    • Provide support in tracking the competition for strategies, financials, and developments in targeted sectors/segments
    • Provide industry updates through newsletters covering geopolitical and macroeconomic developments, track M&A in tech and competitors news to identify potential opportunity
  • Collaborated with the client stakeholders to understand the requirements of the project
  • Created a strategic plan with information on the methodology and timelines for staggered/ periodic delivery
  • Analyzed and synthesized information on targeted themes from various sources for consumer tech, semiconductor, and communications
  • Executed and delivered insight pieces to maintain the client’s competitive edge by delivering insightful presentations


  • Reduced turnaround time of key projects and achieved >20% cost efficiency
  • Better ability of strategy teams to track competitor updates and stay on top of the competition
  • Periodic and timely updates assisted the client to stay abreast of fast-moving technology markets
  • Freed up client’s bandwidth for core jobs
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What we have done

Corporate development advisory services to Fortune-10 Tech for tracking key developments and trends
What we are proud of

Tracked market trends for the connected mobility market

Conducting extensive research on human capital requirement for entering into the autonomous connected mobility market

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Corporate development strategy support to a leading Telematics players
What we are proud of

Set up functions for expansion on Telematics

Providing assistance on Mergers & Acquisitions, Process optimization, marketing and sales

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Industry research services for a global technology leader in connected devices and wearables
What we are proud of

Industry assessment to enter the sleep tech market

In depth competitor analysis, benchmarking and key drivers of the industry to identify gaps in the market.

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Strategic research services for a venture capital arm of a global technology leader in home healthcare and monitoring devices
What we are proud of

Identified trends in connected healthcare devices industry

Identifying in-depth market insights, emerging trends & opportunities in connected healthcare devices industry.

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Research services to a top Tech company that offers connected fitness products and solutions
What we are proud of

Created marketing plans for a connected fitness product

Identifying opportunities and growth prospects to help client maintain their competitive edge

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