RFP solutions for a European asset manager

  • ca.€700bn

    Europe-based asset manager

  • 96%

    “completely accurate” first-draft RFPs

  • 55%

    RFP win rate in 2019

  • 40%

    faster turnaround time

  • Firm needed a centralised team to support its global RFP team
  • High and difficult-to-predict RFP/DDQ volumes
  • High-frequency recurring requests
  • Low bandwidth hindering the quality of responses
  • Bandwidth issues caused little/no support for content management
  • Lack of centralised database
  • Lack of consistency in the responses
  • Mostly manual RFP process
  • Manual RFP writing responses
  • Set up an RFP writers team to support the global team across time zones
  • Organised sessions to understand the client’s products and services
  • Provided content management support – used RFP database (PMAPS) to facilitate effective content reusability and proposal automation
  • Responded to the first drafts and averaged a completion rate above 80%


  • Enabled the client’s RFP writers onshore to focus on value-addition activities, such as customising and enhancing the quality of responses, which in turn increased the RFP win rate to more than 50% in 2019
  • Used Acuity’s centralised content repository to help effectively reuse content wherein the writers started referring to the database for more than 85% of the time spent on working on drafts, which reduced the turnaround time for RFPs by 40%
  • Acted as the admin for the centralised database (PMAPS), making sure all new content from the completed RFPs/DDQs are updated to the database in a timely manner
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