Setting up a sales operations team for a US-based asset manager

  • T+5 to T+2

    significant reduction in turnaround time

  • 99.7%

    maintained consistent quality

  • Decentralised data sources
  • Increased number of ad hoc requests and volume of reports taking up too much capacity
  • Firm-wide initiative taken to adopt new technology to improve process efficiency and upskill the team
  • Transitioned all recurring activities to Acuity to free up bandwidth of the sales team
  • Compiled detailed process guides and trackers for business continuity
  • Deployed a multi-skilled team to handle different types of requests and centralised the function
  • Built templates and automated processes


  • ~30% savings in capacity by offloading the tasks to Acuity
  • T+5 to T+2 – significant reduction in turnaround time of regular reports
  • 99.7% – maintained consistent quality
  • Maintained a five-star feedback rating since the start of the engagement
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