Strategy research and customer sentiment analysis for a Fortune-500 fintech solutions provider

  • 40%

    Better economics and coverage

  • 30%

    Additional bandwidth

  • Market segments to be tracked: Payments, Banking and Capital Markets Solutions
  • Key requirements were
    • Industry research: market sizing, market mapping, COVID-19 impact on peers, fintech innovations (AI, robo-advisory, AR/VR and cyber security), segment analysis (C2C, C2B, B2B, B2C payments) and others
    • Competitor strategic assessment: company overview, footprint, product strategy, sales andmarketing strategy, partnerships, R&D, M&A/investment strategy and financial performance
    • Startup/disruptor research: solutions, partner network (integrators, consultants, technology partners), funding, headwinds and tailwinds
    • M&A and deals tracking: target study, deal rationale/synergies and deal value
    • Customer wins of players: client, solution provided, region and deal details
    • Voice of customer/sentiment analysis – data synthesis, generation of actionable insights from consumer surveys
    • Newsletter: capital markets, competitor earnings, fintech M&As/investments andindustry updates (innovations, product launches and regulations/policies)
  • Pyramid-based Acuity team setup based on the complexity of work
  • Actionable insights delivered to senior staffers (including CXOs) based on detailed desk research on open and proprietary sources followed by analysis and synthesis of information
  • Crisp, executive-ready decks for the client’s senior strategy team members
  • Close collaboration with the client stakeholders on projects to understand clients’ needs, discussion of approach, refinement of output and final delivery


  • Freed up client’s bandwidth for enterprise-level activities
  • Helped the client to stay abreast of competition and fast-moving fintech markets
  • Reduced turnaround time and increased efficiency
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