Support to a retail client to assess market entry into South Asian markets

  • Market sizing

  • Market attractiveness and feasibility study

  • Benchmarking

  • Market dynamics

  • The client is a leading player in the food contract catering space and wanted to evaluate market entry into South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines
  • We conducted a study in phases – across B&I [business and industries], hospitals and educational institution – analysing market sizing, level of competition, cultural influences and challenges, market attractiveness and regulations, and interviewing expert


  • An understanding of the critical factors due to cultural dynamics that could weigh on the client’s growth in Southeast Asian countries
  • Acuity’s suggestions helped the client consider opening a subsidiary in the region; the client subsequently made field visits to map locations and end users
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What we have done

Support to a US-based supermarket chain operator in analysing opportunities for international expansion
What we are proud of

Analysing key success factors, capabilities, assets and competencies

Evaluating international vs other growth opportunities

Market assessment support to a food retail company considering tapping into the B2C channel
What we are proud of

Market analysis and structure

Regional analysis