TURF Analysis for a US FMCG Firm

  • Able to identify the nonperformers in the existing product line

  • Successfully retained the best product attributes

  • New product combinations boosted the sales

  • A market research company supporting a US-based FMCG firm approached Acuity Knowledge Partners to help it identify existing product attributes in the product line, such as flavors and sizes, that were not adding incremental reach
  • The client also wanted to optimize its new product line, while retaining only the best product attributes to maximize market share and sales
  • The client also wanted to determine the reach and frequency of different combinations of product line
  • Acuity Knowledge Partners performed a TURF analysis to identify the best product attributes
  • Data Analysis
  • The client shared survey data designed to capture responses of consumer preferences for all 10 product attributes on a binary scale (would buy/would not buy)
  • The Acuity Knowledge Partners team gained an understanding of factors such as demographics, purchase frequency and consumer preferences
  • TURF Analysis
  • Performed a TURF analysis to create an optimized model and to identify the smallest number of product attributes in the product line that reaches the maximum number of unduplicated customers
  • Determined the best product attributes and prepared a consolidated summary of customer preferences
  • Analysis Results
  • Compiled a combination of 4 of 10 product attributes with the highest chances of appealing to a potential customer
  • Identified the product line that would appeal to 84% of respondents (i.e., the one with the widest customer reach)


  • This exercise helped the client to:
    • Recognize the most preferred product line, to maximize the company’s customer reach
    • Understand that 84% of respondents were very likely to purchase a combination of such products
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