US-based Commercial Bank

  • $6m

    in savings

  • 18-20%

    more client facing time

  • 24hr

    turnaround for urgent spreads

  • $40bn

    loan portfolio monitored

  • Top 15 US commercial bank with well diversified loan portfolio
  • Key challenges were:
    • Slower market response time
    • In-adequate client facing time for portfolio managers
    • Increasing regulatory pressure
    • Difficulty to retain onshore talent
    • High cost of function
  • Pyramid based offshore team set-up based on the complexity of work
  • Well-structured training and roll out plan
  • Target to deliver urgent spreads/quotes within 24 hrs,complete all reviews within the regulatory deadlines and produce high quality output
  • Additionally, Acuity Knowledge Partners supported in standardizing the review templates, new money transactions, reviews for portfolio purchase transactions, UAT for new risk rating platform and response to regulatory queries
  • An overall productivity improvement of 10-15% was achieved across different support functions


  • Acuity Knowledge Partners conducted a detailed white boarding session to scope out support levels & complexity
  • Prepared detailed Standard Operating Procedures to ensure compliance with the credit policies and client processes
  • Efficiency improvement was channelized to deliver higher volumes, ad-hoc projects and high complexity of work
  • Sector experts were inducted for specialized support (Healthcare, Insurance, Energy)
  • Multi-layered governance structure to track performance and productivity, identify headwinds and implement appropriate measures
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