Secondary Investments for a Leading US-based Private Equity Firm

We provide private equity/venture capital (PE/VC) firms the much-needed flexibility to manage highly volatile workflow on either a retainer or a project-specific basis. We work as an extended arm of our clients, and ensure that all regular and critical functions of funds, such as opportunity screening, due diligence, periodic reporting, business development, portfolio monitoring, and whitepapers, are carried out irrespective of any spikes in investment activity.

  • >1,000

    secondary funds reviewed

  • ~20%

    time saving for fund managers

  • Over 5

    secondary fund managers supported

  • Up to 20% time

    saving for fund managers


  • A leading US-based PE client wanted to identify potential targets for investments in the Asian mid-market secondary market,covering both secondary direct (single company and/or portfolio) and secondary fund (LP interests) transactions
  • The client extensively used its internal resources for screening purposes, which proved to be highly time consuming and expensive
  • Our relationship with the client began in 2013 with a team of 4 research associates, supporting over 5 fund managers in the client’s secondary investment division
  • We created a comprehensive screening process to track emerging market activities of funds across the secondary market and updated valuations on periodically


  • Operated as a central team to support US and London offices, thus increasing process and cost efficiency
  • Developed a system of collating and schematically archiving all relevant secondary fund-related literature in one source, making it easily accessible to the client
  • Provided deep-dive research on relevant targets that were shortlisted following the comprehensive screening process
  • Prepared comprehensive reports on each potential target to present to the deal team for further due diligence


  • Enabled the client to increase its focus on high-value activities and newer geographies
  • Enabled the client to save significant time and manage staffing costs
  • Provided the client with operational flexibility and access to extensive research services at short notice
  • Enabled the client to focus on high-value activities by providing support on research intensive and monitoring tasks
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