Industrial and Manufacturing Market Research Services

We are a leading research and information service provider supporting companies across the industrial and manufacturing value chain, including core sector players and consulting and financial services firms.

Overview - Industrial and Manufacturing Market Research Services

We support industrial and manufacturing companies in the fields of research, data, analytics and intelligence. Our dedicated team of domain experts from industries, such as iron and steel, cement, textiles, building materials, electronics and paper, provide critical insights on topics ranging from industrial benchmarking and KPI analysis, efficiency improvement, financial analysis, sales strategy, project feasibility reporting, costing and pricing of models, and logistics and supply chain improvement. We are also experienced in helping clients in making informed financial and strategic decisions in areas such as net zero and decarbonisation initiatives, business sustainability, and ESG strategy formulation and implementation.

Who we serve

  • Iron and steel companies
  • Cement manufacturers
  • Electronics and technology manufacturers
  • Building materials manufacturers and suppliers
  • Paper and rubber manufacturers
  • Chemicals and petrochemicals players

Industrial and Manufacturing Market Research Services - Support we offer

  • Corporate strategy
  • Market expansion strategies

  • Business model analysis

  • New market identification

  • New product categories identification

  • Supply chain assessment

  • Policy impact analysis

  • ESG strategy formulation and implementation

  • Energy transition strategies

  • Decarbonisation strategies

  • Net zero strategy

  • Carbon accounting and management

  • Market and Competitive Intelligence
  • Detailed company and product profiles

  • Global, regional or country-specific industry/segment analysis

  • Deep-dive industry/segment analysis

  • Tracking and analysing key trends and drivers

  • Market segmentation and competitive landscape

  • Thematic research/industry outlook

  • Periodic customised newsletters

  • Supplier management research support
  • Supply and demand analysis

  • Raw material supplier screening, due diligence and monitoring

  • Supplier performance management

  • Supplier satisfaction measurement

  • Demand forecasting

  • Cost modeling

  • Supplier market and risk assessment

  • Corporate finance support
  • Investment plans and strategy development

  • Investor presentations for fundraising

  • Building or upgrading investment and operational models

  • Developing corporate fact books and results presentations

  • Capital market-related analysis and presentations

  • Financial health/score analysis

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • M&A opportunity assessment

  • Screening and analysing transactions

  • Benchmarking valuation matrices

  • Screening and identifying potential buyers/sellers

  • Acquisition or divestiture target analysis

  • Preparation of pitch books and information memorandums

  • Trading and transaction comps analysis

  • Financial analysis, modeling and valuations

Industrial and Manufacturing Market Research Services - Support we offer

  • Corporate strategy
  • Market expansion strategies

  • Business model analysis

  • New market identification

  • New product categories identification

  • Supply chain assessment

  • Policy impact analysis

  • ESG strategy formulation and implementation

  • Energy transition strategies

  • Decarbonisation strategies

  • Net zero strategy

  • Carbon accounting and management

  • Market and Competitive Intelligence
  • Detailed company and product profiles

  • Global, regional or country-specific industry/segment analysis

  • Deep-dive industry/segment analysis

  • Tracking and analysing key trends and drivers

  • Market segmentation and competitive landscape

  • Thematic research/industry outlook

  • Periodic customised newsletters

  • Supplier management research support
  • Supply and demand analysis

  • Raw material supplier screening, due diligence and monitoring

  • Supplier performance management

  • Supplier satisfaction measurement

  • Demand forecasting

  • Cost modeling

  • Supplier market and risk assessment

  • Corporate finance support
  • Investment plans and strategy development

  • Investor presentations for fundraising

  • Building or upgrading investment and operational models

  • Developing corporate fact books and results presentations

  • Capital market-related analysis and presentations

  • Financial health/score analysis

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • M&A opportunity assessment

  • Screening and analysing transactions

  • Benchmarking valuation matrices

  • Screening and identifying potential buyers/sellers

  • Acquisition or divestiture target analysis

  • Preparation of pitch books and information memorandums

  • Trading and transaction comps analysis

  • Financial analysis, modeling and valuations

How we are different

Over 15 years of industry experience, supporting industry participants across the iron and steel, cement, building materials, fertilizers, chemicals, electronics and other related segments.
One-stop-shop across the industrial and manufacturing sector value chain
One-stop-shop across the industrial and manufacturing sector value chain
One-stop-shop for all your requirements. Offerings include solutions customised to specific business needs across the industrial and manufacturing sector value chain.
judgement-based analysis
judgement-based analysis
Ability to analyse and triangulate industrial and manufacturing industry information using judgement-based analysis
multi-lingual research capabilities
multi-lingual research capabilities
International delivery centres along with multi-lingual research capabilities

What we have done

In the News

Middle East Insurance Review
Middle East have been actively integrating ESG risks into underwriting processes over the past year

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