Acuity supports asset managers through comprehensive capabilities in ESG research across asset classes, markets and geographies. Our ESG services span the entire investment process value chain from data to research and scores to complex thematic research, integration into existing models, reporting while leveraging cutting-edge technology. We build dedicated teams of sustainability experts who work as a natural extension of our asset manager clients, helping them gain a competitive edge that is flexible, scalable and sustainable. Our offerings are highly bespoke and include support on ESG issuer research, sustainable development goal (SDG) analysis, stewardship research, sustainability reporting, climate scenario analysis, thematic ESG whitepapers, engagement/stewardship, climate transition assessments, biodiversity assessments, sustainable finance assessments, SFDR and EU taxonomy reporting, ESG due diligence, ESG integration into risk models, ESG risk monitoring powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and data sciences. We bring the best practices to all engagement based on the strong exposure to our vast client base.
With more than 15 years of financial marketing experience, Acuity caters to streamline sales support, marketing and reporting operations for close to 100 global asset and wealth managers. We offer a wide range of solutions that span across Business Development, Client Servicing and Digital Marketing to enable business do better, minimize costs, refine operational capabilities while leveraging technology and industry best practices.
Who we serve
ESG Services for Asset and Wealth Managers
ESG Services for Asset and Wealth Managers
ESG Research
ESG Ratings
SDG research
SASB materiality assessments
KPI tracking
Detailed ESG assessments
Themes and Pillar scoring
Scalable assessment of Portfolio in ESG research
Reputation risk assessments
Controversy research
Greenwashing ratings
Double materiality assessments
ESG framework development
Portfolio greenwashing assessments
Fund ESG scoring and rating
Industry guides and sector reports
Peer Benchmarking
Governance research
Forensic research
ESG scoring of private names
Proxy ESG data and shadow ratings
Thematic research
Thought leadership and whitepapers
Market research and newsletters
ESG policy research and forecasting
Active Ownership
Stewardship and proxy voting research
Engagement research
Proxy voting policies
Standardized engagement data templates
Proxy Voting data templates
Data and information Questionnaires for investee companies
Peer and industry benchmarking
Value creation levers
Data management support – collection, aggregation, synthesis, data basing and dashboarding
Administrative support in active ownership
Sustainable Finance and ESG in Fixed Income
ESG scoring of IG/ HY, EMs, Sovereigns, Munis, Securitized, Structured finance securities
Green, Social, Sustainable, Blue Bonds, Sustainability-linked bonds
ICMA and ESMA based sustainable finance assessments
Custom framework development
Scalable assessments in sustainable finance
ESG Impact measurement
Financial impact estimation
Portfolio impact metrics
Climate change solutions
Climate change transition research
Climate change maturity assessment
Climate change engagement research
Climate finance assessments
Portfolio emissions estimations (including Scope 3)
Net Zero Alignment
Portfolio climate risks measurement
Portfolio decarbonization pathway development
Climate transition pathways support
Portfolio climate transition goals tracking
Climate Scenario analysis
ESG and climate risk modelling
Proxy voting integration
Specialized model building support
ESG-weighted equity research and credit risk views
Score based ESG integration
Detailed ESG integration into valuation and risk models
Climate risk integration
SFDR Article 6, 8, 9 funds reporting
EU Taxonomy reporting
Substantial contribution/ DNSH/ social safeguards/PAI
Framework based data and reporting support TCFD, TNFD, UNPRI, NZAM, GRI, UNGC, EETs, SBTi, CSRD, CSDDD
ESG and climate strategy development
ESG and responsible investment policies development
Annual Sustainability report preparation
Specialized methodology support
Regulatory research
Policy research and forecasting
ESG awareness and trainings
Client reporting
Commentary on ESG Integration approach
Stewardship efforts and related KPIs
Annual stewardship reports
Portfolio analytics on KPIs, dashboards and reports
Data science and Technology for ESG Research
Automated structured and unstructured data extraction
ESG/SDG based Sentiment Analysis
Interactive dashboards and visualizations
Scenario simulations
ESG application development
Data & Research
Integration and risk management
ESG-Driven Sales and Marketing Support to Asset and Wealth Managers
Consultant Database
Seismic Support
Competitor analysis
Fund presentations
Investment writing and thought leadership
Flyers, brochures, and other client facing materials
Web content management
Marketing automations
Creative services
Web analytics and SEO
Digital advertising and social media
Web design and development
Customer relationship management
Lead management solutions
Business Development
Client Services
Digital Marketing
ESG compliance monitoring for Asset and Wealth Managers
ESG regulatory implementation
Firm’s ESG and exclusion policies
ESG frameworks such as checklists & questionnaires
Stewardship policy
Client or investor disclosures
UNPRI submissions
ESG committee documents
Paramount emphasis on ESG investment process.
Examine pre-screening and due diligence process
Analyze risk appetite of ESG funds
Identify high ESG risk companies
Highlight gaps or findings to Level 2
Evaluate offering documents of Article 6, 8, and 9 funds
Validate ESG investment targets and ESG ratchet KPIs
Review portfolio and country allocations
Robust Testing
Investment Process
ESG Fund Analysis
By the numbers
Years of global experience
ESG subject matter experts
Asset and wealth manager clients
GICS sector exposure
How we are different

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