Valuations and Complex Modelling Support for Investment Banking Division of GCC-based Bank

  • 8+ years of partnership

  • Over 600 projects delivered

  • Timely turnaround of complex and critical projects

  • The client – investment banking team of a large commercial bank in the GCC
  • Key challenges faced
    • Limited bandwidth of onshore bankers, restricting focus on deal-making and client-facing activities
    • Need for specialist services for complex financial modelling and valuation assignments
    • Longer turnaround time for deal closure
    • High cost of skilled onsite staff with relevant experience
  • Acuity Knowledge Partners created a flexible engagement model to address these challenges
  • Appointed product specialists to provide support on financial modelling for M&A, leveraged finance, due diligence, project feasibility studies and project finance
  • The team developed an understanding of the client’s requirements through continued engagement
  • The key focus was on delivering high-quality and insightful valuation analysis, primarily on complex projects, enabling faster deal execution
  • Customised analysis was carried out for business valuations, deal execution and project viability, primarily supporting on complex financial models and management presentations, across different sectors


  • The team assisted in developing and validating complex financial models. With Acuity Knowledge Partners onboard, the client was able to timely analyse the transaction structure and identify gaps and key risk factors to models and discuss them with the stakeholders
  • Discerning and insightful analyses on complex projects delivered through an experienced team, along with real-time support on live transactions, enabled the client to execute more transactions
  • The support led to seamless onshore and offshore transitions, with the Acuity Knowledge Partners team eventually working as an integral, extended part of the onshore team, leading to higher volume delivery, ad hoc projects and support on marketing and discussion materials across different sectors
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